Death aka The Grim Reaper known as Santa Muerte, Baron Samedi and Yama is your own personal fate no one can escape but he or she can help you until that day comes
I've found that death is my best friend and I shouldn't fear her (I give praise to Santa Muerte as my image of death)
Death is an all purpose diety you can ask for healing, revenge, money, material blessings, spiritual protection and even flat out being able to conquer her own self if you ask for this you can not die get sick or badly injured, she can make you an immortal God with enough offerings and respect she or he is your best friend
Offer death the following
Cigarettes, rum, mountain dew or coke, vodka, cigars, marijuana, candy chocolate bars, sweet breads and spicy foods
Give death your own blood placed on either a sigil or veve and make the pact you won't regret it
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